Information for and about Individual Twirlers
Below you will find information about how to become a solo twirler as well as how to sign up for solo lessons. Please always ask a coach for more information!
United States Twirling Association Become a Member!
Visit ustwirling.com for more information
Trilogy Twirl Club and it's students are proud members of the United States Twirl Association (USTA). In order to compete as a twirler, your athlete will need to join as an individual member. With your membership, you get the following:
Participation in USTA competitions without paying the non-member fee
$25,000 in accident medical insurance coverage
$10,000 in AD&D insurance coverage
Subscription to USTA News & Views, a monthly eNewsletter; Catch It!, a quarterly eZine; and Catch It! Winners' Issue
Access to members-only information and resources
First-time athlete members will receive a uniform insignia patch
Membership Fees
- Team Member - $10
- Athlete Membership - $35
-Additional Family Membership - $25
USTA Solo Events
Foundation Events
Foundation events are perfect to introduce novice and beginner twirlers to individual events. They focus on the foundations of twirling, solid basic twirling skills and listening to the beat of the music.
Basic Strut - 4 counts of 8, marching in a square.
Military - 4 counts of 8, marching in an "L"
Presentation - 4 counts of 8 of basic twirling skills
Championship Events
These events are geared toward all athletes. Each event offers a different style of twirling. Available in all levels, novice through advanced.
Solo - routine focuses on variations of basic baton skills
2 Baton - routine focuses on the use of 2 batons continuously moving and building on basic baton skills
3 Baton - routine focuses on the use of 3 batons continuously moving and juggling.
Artistic Twirl - routine focuses on the movement of the body with the baton.
Strut - routine focuses on body movement to the beat of the music with limited tricks.
All routines are done to a set piece of music provided by USTA
USTA Trials & Pre-Trials
When you are ready to start practicing for world level competition
The US Trials competition is held every other year and decides who will represent the United States at the WORLD CUP. Four athletes are chosen in the Junior Women, Senior Women, Junior Men, and Senior Men's freestyle event as well as one team for the team event. They then compete to earn individual medals in their event as well as one overall World Cup.